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View Full Version : Unbiased Review of the Venue

August 18th, 2009, 22:23
I received this email from a friend just now. Thought some of you might be interested.

I was in Pattaya for a day last week on business, was hoping not to stay over but ended up having to. So I decided to try The Venue. I walked in, without a reservation, at around 6:00pm. The boy manning the desk looked like a deer in the headlights...he seemed completely flummoxed to have to deal with a walk-in customer and had no idea what to do. He got on the phone for a couple minutes, then came back and confirmed that they could deign to offer me a room.

He showed me a price card, of which the cheapest room was 1,490 baht. I said that would do. He brought out a huge bowl of keys and with some fumbling led me up to the third floor. Key in the keyhole...then...nothing. The poor kid fumbled for about five minutes trying to open the door and gave up, running downstairs to get keys to a different room.

He left the key in the door. With one turn, I was able to open it. Had this kid really never had to open a room door before? The mind boggles. Anyway, I let myself in and began to get comfortable. The first thing I did, as always, was turn on my laptop and attempt to connect to the wifi. I got a message that "wifi service had been suspended due to an outstanding bill of 2,637.00 baht". Not good.

In the meantime, the boy came back with another key. I told him, no problem, don't worry, I opened it, and he vanished red-faced.

The room itself was quite OK -- nothing special -- pretty roomy. I used the bathroom and lay down on the bed for a nap.

Twenty minutes later, I was just dozing off and there was a knock at the door. It was a queeny, middle-aged Thai man. He said, "sorry, the boy gave you the wrong room, this one is 1,990 baht per night". I said, I only need the 1,490 room, that's what I asked for. Then he said, "you have to move then". I said, I've already taken a crap in your toilet, used the towels, and been in the bed...you still want me to move?" He said, "yes you must move", no apologies, nothing just some queeny snit.

OK, so they moved me down to the second floor to a much smaller room there. At least the wifi worked on that floor, although only intermittently. Every 30 minutes or so the signal would completely vanish for 5 minutes or more than come back. Not good if you are trying to work as I was.

So, I decided to go out to find something to eat. I thought better not take my passport with me, better keep it in the minisafe. Woops..the minisafe door was closed and locked. No way to get in. Strike how many? I lost count.

After dinner, I wasn't feeling well so decided to go to sleep early. Wrong again, the cabaret show was about to start, with the worst screeching you can possibly imagine. I put a pillow over my head, but it still got through. An awful farang voice singing an off-tune version of Born Free. Is this really happening?

Finally, by midnight, it was quiet. Next was trying to actually sleep on the brick thing they call a mattress. Way too hard I don't know what they were thinking when they bought those torturous things. A/C was also not as cool as I would have liked.

Woke up sore the next morning from the damned mattress. Quick shower and dry off with grey, moldy-smelling towels. Asking for a receipt at check-out brought another deer in the headlights look and ten minutes of fumbling before one was produced -- not even an official one with no company name.

This place is completely amateur hour, stay away. It is obviously some vanity project for someone with too much money and too little clue how to run a hotel. Much better value elsewhere.

August 18th, 2009, 23:26
A negative review for sure ... but mostly quite fair (as long as the facts are as written). That guy won't be back :blackeye:

(This is about the point where Bottom's Up pops his big bottom up and comes rampaging down the aisles of the Church of Sawatdee all purple in the face, overcome with apoplexy, swollen veins a-poppin', throwing charges in all directions regarding nefarious agendas and the probable total destruction ~ out of spite or bitterness or jealousy ~ of another gay business ... one which he just so happens to have touted like a two-bit whore since it's opening).

August 18th, 2009, 23:41
It's the FROM A FRIEND bit that made me laugh. :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

August 19th, 2009, 01:24
Oh Beach Bunny what have you done?

That should put the cat amongst the pidgeons! I wager that right now that there are queens spluttering over their Camomile tea and choking on their Cucumber sandwiches racing to the keyboard to claim that you are the orignal author of the email.

You wanna take a bet I'm right - wait and see.
"Jesus! It is little wonder that between yourself and 'LMTU' / 'Bottoms Up' being unable to string a sentence together that the English get such a bad name".

August 19th, 2009, 01:38
"Jesus! It is little wonder that between yourself and 'LMTU' / 'Bottoms Up' being unable to string a sentence together that the English get such a bad name".[/quote]

Oh, dear, giggsy! Given that you've used the word "that" twice when it ought only to have been used once in that sentence, you're inviting someone to point out that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

August 19th, 2009, 02:00
Oh Dear Beach Bunny Woudn't happen in Riyadh

Your friend would have gotten a 5 star hotel for 3,000 Baht with a top of the range Sealy bed, fluffly white Dior towels, a 4 MB intenet connection and for sure a Filipino room service boy who would be more than happy to oblige with anything requested for a tip of 50 SR ( 550 baht). Looks like Riyadh beats Pattaya on this one.

August 19th, 2009, 02:06
Oh Beach Bunny what have you done?

That should put the cat amongst the pidgeons! I wager that right now that there are queens spluttering over their Camomile tea and choking on their Cucumber sandwiches racing to the keyboard to claim that you are the orignal author of the email.

You wanna take a bet I'm right - wait and see.
"Jesus! It is little wonder that between yourself and 'LMTU' / 'Bottoms Up' being unable to string a sentence together that the English get such a bad name".

All these words are from Romania.He was having a go at me in another post about my grammer.
I am certainly not the spelling or grammar police and thank you for pointing out that he was wrong in that also.

August 19th, 2009, 03:14
just what place is he talking about,


August 19th, 2009, 03:14
I am "flummoxed" that anyone would include a detailed, 12-paragraph review of one night's stay at a lacklustre hotel when writing to a friend. I would have scribbled a few lines at most. The Venue seems a strange pick for a business traveller in a city inundated with rooms in the 1,000 to 2,000 Baht range. The fact that The Venue hosts a cabaret nightly is well published and it's odd that someone seeking a good night's sleep would choose to stay there. I would have picked a highrise somewhere in the centre of town.

August 19th, 2009, 03:45
just what place is he talking about
There's a hint in the thread title, and in the opening post: "I was in Pattaya for a day last week on business, was hoping not to stay over but ended up having to. So I decided to try The Venue."

August 19th, 2009, 04:07
Thanks Beach Bunny... interesting and entertaining review.

Looks like the owner had a splendid vision but not much of an idea.

The place looks glamorous but there are so many details are astray. The website also looks glamorous but is utterly useless when it comes to helpful information or details.

Haha... the "dear in headlights" look can be very cute on a Thai boy.

August 19th, 2009, 04:18
Wow, Way and Dawwell will be fuwious when they wead this wotten weview on the fowum.
How can your fwiend poo-poo the Wenue? тАУ Widiculous!
Wigid matwesses? Unweliable wi-fi in the woom? Waucaus cabaway? - Wubbish!

August 19th, 2009, 04:55
I I got a message that "wifi service had been suspended due to an outstanding bill of 2,637.00 baht". .

As someone who knows more than most about wi-fi systems and how they work, this comment is pure bullsh*t. You would not get a message like that. No ifs, no buts .... that alone makes me treat the rest of this 'review' with great suspicion .... unbiased my ass.

August 19th, 2009, 05:05
I I got a message that "wifi service had been suspended due to an outstanding bill of 2,637.00 baht". .

As someone who knows more than most about wi-fi systems and how they work, this comment is pure bullsh*t. You would not get a message like that. No ifs, no buts .... that alone makes me treat the rest of this 'review' with great suspicion .... unbiased my ass.

Obviously you don't know too much about wi-fi systems, and some of the software used to allow the public access to them, especially in places such as hotel rooms. That's the first time I've ever heard of a message like that popping up, but technically, it's very much possible. Haven't you ever logged into a public hotspot before, and when trying to visit a website, all you get is a page saying "please login, or enter your credit card info"?

August 19th, 2009, 05:15
I I got a message that "wifi service had been suspended due to an outstanding bill of 2,637.00 baht". .

As someone who knows more than most about wi-fi systems and how they work, this comment is pure bullsh*t. You would not get a message like that. No ifs, no buts .... that alone makes me treat the rest of this 'review' with great suspicion .... unbiased my ass.

Obviously you don't know too much about wi-fi systems, and some of the software used to allow the public access to them, especially in places such as hotel rooms. That's the first time I've ever heard of a message like that popping up, but technically, it's very much possible. Haven't you ever logged into a public hotspot before, and when trying to visit a website, all you get is a page saying "please login, or enter your credit card info"?

With the greatest respect .....

The access points provide the w-lan that you use. These connect via switches to the router/modem which in effect then connects to the land line from the ISP that provides the ADSL service. If the bill was unpaid, you DO NOT get a message as stated, TTT or TOT or CAT simply cut the service. The W-LAN still works, but you would not be able to access the internet.

Similarly BB 'friends' comment of " OK, so they moved me down to the second floor to a much smaller room there. At least the wifi worked on that floor, although only intermittently." is in direct conflict to the supposed unpaid bill message.

The Venue is NOT a public hotspot. It's a private W-lan setup.

August 19th, 2009, 05:16
just what place is he talking about
There's a hint in the thread title, and in the opening post: "I was in Pattaya for a day last week on business, was hoping not to stay over but ended up having to. So I decided to try The Venue."

Oh I figured it out when they mentioned a Cabaret, I don't go to them and avoid them as much as possible, thus I would never be caught dead or Alive at a place like that. No wonder I had never heard of it.

I thought I knew most of the places in Pattya but, I found I purposely has left this one out of my memory. I don't belittle those who like them. I persoanlly just don't care about anyone that looks like Jim At Boystown , who at his age should have quit long ago. So, In my mind I was trying to figure out a place where such screaming might happen. I could only think of Jim. Sorry for my lack of interest.


Khor tose
August 19th, 2009, 05:20
Dear Bottoms Up,

This letter is in regards to your endorsement of "The Venue". I wish to point out that a recent review of this establishment was highly critical of the staff and the operation of the facility. This very establishment that you assured us was, "not just a show bar", but also a place where "they are trying to create....a gentleman Club atmosphere there".

It sounds to me that "The Venue" may be in serious trouble with negative reviews like this, and I wish to suggest to you a possible solution. They obviously need a gentleman to have a gentlemen club atmosphere. May I suggest you volunteer yourself, immediately leave this board, and throw yourself fully into the battle to make "The Venue" the gentleman's club you can be proud of. Rest assured that we will all miss your intelligent, well-written and thought out wisdom, but we will all gladly sacrifice for the greater good of this worthy venture.

Please, we know you can do it. Why with your help, I am sure the Venue will soon be bulging at the seams with happy contented men, embracing each other in a good gentlemanly way,

Good Luck and all my best,


August 19th, 2009, 07:02
I I got a message that "wifi service had been suspended due to an outstanding bill of 2,637.00 baht". .

As someone who knows more than most about wi-fi systems and how they work, this comment is pure bullsh*t. You would not get a message like that. No ifs, no buts .... that alone makes me treat the rest of this 'review' with great suspicion .... unbiased my ass.

With the greatest respect .....

The access points provide the w-lan that you use. These connect via switches to the router/modem which in effect then connects to the land line from the ISP that provides the ADSL service. If the bill was unpaid, you DO NOT get a message as stated, TTT or TOT or CAT simply cut the service. The W-LAN still works, but you would not be able to access the internet.

Similarly BB 'friends' comment of " OK, so they moved me down to the second floor to a much smaller room there. At least the wifi worked on that floor, although only intermittently." is in direct conflict to the supposed unpaid bill message.

The Venue is NOT a public hotspot. It's a private W-lan setup.

Well spotted, Patexpat. And for fuck's sake, who the hell notices the exact amount of the supposed unpaid bill to the last Baht after a long, hard day and remember it to the extent of being able to write to a friend about it a WEEK later. This story is beginning to stink big time

August 19th, 2009, 08:27
The Venue apparently has a different Wi-Fi account for each floor of the hotel. My friend stands by his account that an unpaid account message appeared when using the 3rd floor Wi-fi, but not the 2nd. Each wi-fi was separate. On the 3rd floor, it popped up as "Venue 3rd Floor" and on the 2nd floor as "Venue 2nd Floor". The password was "Blackpooltramway" or something on both floors, if that helps you believe his story.

As for me being the author -- I have not been to Pattaya in years and have no intention of visiting. I certainly would not stay at the Venue if I did. LMTU dissuaded me of that a long time ago.

August 19th, 2009, 08:53
The Venue apparently has a different Wi-Fi account for each floor of the hotel. My friend stands by his account that an unpaid account message appeared when using the 3rd floor Wi-fi, but not the 2nd. Each wi-fi was separate. On the 3rd floor, it popped up as "Venue 3rd Floor" and on the 2nd floor as "Venue 2nd Floor". The password was "Blackpooltramway" or something on both floors, if that helps you believe his story.

As for me being the author -- I have not been to Pattaya in years and have no intention of visiting. I certainly would not stay at the Venue if I did. LMTU dissuaded me of that a long time ago.

wrong wrong wrong wrong lying bunny!!!!

There is only ONE ADSL connection that serves the whole hotel - not a separate ADSL line for each floor. It will work, or not.

Yor story simply doesn't stand up.

August 19th, 2009, 08:57
The Venue apparently has a different Wi-Fi account for each floor of the hotel. My friend stands by his account that an unpaid account message appeared when using the 3rd floor Wi-fi, but not the 2nd. Each wi-fi was separate. On the 3rd floor, it popped up as "Venue 3rd Floor" and on the 2nd floor as "Venue 2nd Floor". The password was "Blackpooltramway" or something on both floors, if that helps you believe his story.

As for me being the author -- I have not been to Pattaya in years and have no intention of visiting. I certainly would not stay at the Venue if I did. LMTU dissuaded me of that a long time ago.

wrong wrong wrong wrong lying bunny!!!!

There is only ONE ADSL connection that serves the whole hotel - not a separate ADSL line for each floor. It will work, or not.

Yor story simply doesn't stand up.

And you would know...how?

Besides, if anyone is "lying" -- and I can see no motivation in doing so -- it is my friend. Seems a strange thing to make up. He was obviously there as the details are rock solid. Is he right about the Wi-fi password?

August 19th, 2009, 09:07
[quote="Beach Bunny":183ybzds]The Venue apparently has a different Wi-Fi account for each floor of the hotel. My friend stands by his account that an unpaid account message appeared when using the 3rd floor Wi-fi, but not the 2nd. Each wi-fi was separate. On the 3rd floor, it popped up as "Venue 3rd Floor" and on the 2nd floor as "Venue 2nd Floor". The password was "Blackpooltramway" or something on both floors, if that helps you believe his story.

As for me being the author -- I have not been to Pattaya in years and have no intention of visiting. I certainly would not stay at the Venue if I did. LMTU dissuaded me of that a long time ago.

wrong wrong wrong wrong lying bunny!!!!

There is only ONE ADSL connection that serves the whole hotel - not a separate ADSL line for each floor. It will work, or not.

Yor story simply doesn't stand up.

And you would know...how?

Besides, if anyone is "lying" -- and I can see no motivation in doing so -- it is my friend. Seems a strange thing to make up. He was obviously there as the details are rock solid. Is he right about the Wi-fi password?[/quote:183ybzds]

are you willing to put your reputation on the line and stand by the statements you have made?

August 19th, 2009, 09:10
I have no reason whatsoever to doubt the statements my friend has made. You are picking nits with one tiny detail in a long review.

August 19th, 2009, 09:21
Dear stupid bunny, No I am not nit picking, just exposing a lie, which must reflect on the rest of your post.

you say:

"And you would know...how?"

because following a poor quality job of trying to install a w-lan at THE VENUE by another company ......


August 19th, 2009, 09:24
Your company did a shitty job, then, what can I say. My friend said the wifi was almost unusable due to long periods of cut-out. And he stands by his account of the error message on the third floor. IS HE RIGHT ABOUT THE PASSWORD?

August 19th, 2009, 09:31
oh Bunny - you are a one!

I rest my case .... now run along like a good bunny and stop bothering us grown ups!

And thank you for letting me have fun and showing you up for what you really are. I fully expect a come back of course - you don't know when to quit do you?

As for passwords - I am certainly not discussing any passwords on an open forum - and anyone with any sense would do the same.

End of story.

August 19th, 2009, 09:33
As for passwords - I am certainly not discussing any passwords on an open forum - and anyone with any sense would do the same.

End of story.

Very smart move, sir...since you now admit to installing a faulty wifi system. Would you like to share the name of your company? No, I didn't think so...

August 19th, 2009, 10:02
your talking bollox again sir. And please don't try to redirect away from my main point - which is that you lied, and that I have amply proven it.

I think better we let the readers of this forum digest your posts here and let them draw their own conclusions, don't you?.

August 19th, 2009, 10:21

Gentle readers, perhaps any of you who have stayed at The Venue would like to share your experiences -- especially about the much vaunted, state-of-the-art, professionally installed and maintained Wifi system?

August 19th, 2009, 10:23
absolutely no problem.

But you did lie, didn't you?

August 19th, 2009, 10:27
absolutely no problem.

But you did lie, didn't you?

I did not lie, and neither did my friend. Perhaps he was accidentally connected to another wifi within range? He said that he received the signal from View Talay much more strongly than your tin pot system installed just down the hall. The fact is, he could not connect to the system from floor 3, but could -- intermittently -- from floor 2. There is no reason to "lie" about it. He was obviously there, as he knew the password, didn't he?

August 19th, 2009, 10:45
The access points provide the w-lan that you use. These connect via switches to the router/modem which in effect then connects to the land line from the ISP that provides the ADSL service. If the bill was unpaid, you DO NOT get a message as stated, TTT or TOT or CAT simply cut the service. The W-LAN still works, but you would not be able to access the internet.
That's not quite my experience with a True account in a home in Bangkok.

When I went to sign on, I got the "you owe Bxxxx" message and to pay the bill to reinstate service.

Maybe it's only True, only in Bangkok, and only on residential accounts, but not *all* ISPs simply "cut the service."

August 19th, 2009, 11:13
And please don't try to redirect away from my main point - which is that you lied, and that I have amply proven

No you haven't. You might want to brush up on your knowledge of how the internet works, before you go around calling yourself the proud owner of an IT company that installs commercial wi-fi networks.

August 19th, 2009, 11:18
That's fair comment - but i didn't say ALL ISP's - I said specifically, CAT, TTT and TOT.

TRUE infrastructure is different in some places as they combine it with their cable TV network, and I can imagine them sending out a message to pay just as they do for their TRUEVISIONS customers (even the satellite ones).

I haven't seen any message such as this from CAT TTT or TOT here in Pattaya - and in fact would be interested to hear if anyone has, just for my own interest!

August 19th, 2009, 11:21
I haven't seen any message such as this from CAT TTT or TOT here in Pattaya - and in fact would be interested to hear if anyone has, just for my own interest!

You already have...but you have dismissed it as a "lie".

August 19th, 2009, 11:26

Gentle readers, perhaps any of you who have stayed at The Venue would like to share your experiences -- especially about the much vaunted, state-of-the-art, professionally installed and maintained Wifi system?

LOL... so much drama in this post. It's like watching a soap opera (not that I have ever...)

I have no experiences at The Venue... I refused to stay there after seeing their utterly useless website LOL.

You can learn more about their rooms and what they look like on this forum than on their own website.

August 19th, 2009, 11:29
And please don't try to redirect away from my main point - which is that you lied, and that I have amply proven

No you haven't. You might want to brush up on your knowledge of how the internet works, before you go around calling yourself the proud owner of an IT company that installs commercial wi-fi networks.

Ok I'm game

please enlighten me, for I am the first to acknowledge I do not know everything!

What, exactly, do I need to brush up on? How ADSL works? How w-lan work? Package handling? Peer to peer connectivity? The under capacity international gateway into/out of Thailand?

Seriously and with no malice, if I have made a technical mistake in my posts please point it out.

Also I have never said I was the owner, and certainly not a boastful one.

kindest regards

August 19th, 2009, 11:31
I have no experiences at The Venue... I refused to stay there after seeing their utterly useless website LOL.

Hey, Patexpat...you responsible for the website, too? The glowing reviews of your business keep pouring in. LOL.

August 19th, 2009, 11:32
I haven't seen any message such as this from CAT TTT or TOT here in Pattaya - and in fact would be interested to hear if anyone has, just for my own interest!

You already have...but you have dismissed it as a "lie".

you miss the point .. in the same post you said that the WIFI wasn't working because of an unpaid bill followed by it was working on another floor.

Now you can have one of those tales, but not both at the same time, so one of those statements is not true. So which one is it?

August 19th, 2009, 11:34
I have no experiences at The Venue... I refused to stay there after seeing their utterly useless website LOL.

Hey, Patexpat...you responsible for the website, too? The glowing reviews of your business keep pouring in. LOL.

Sadly BB not - and I have to agree with some criticisms of the website.

August 19th, 2009, 11:42
I haven't seen any message such as this from CAT TTT or TOT here in Pattaya - and in fact would be interested to hear if anyone has, just for my own interest!

You already have...but you have dismissed it as a "lie".

you miss the point .. in the same post you said that the WIFI wasn't working because of an unpaid bill followed by it was working on another floor.

Now you can have one of those tales, but not both at the same time, so one of those statements is not true. So which one is it?

I already told you that my friend acknowledges the possibility that he may have been connected to another wifi network nearby when he saw that message. He had trouble connecting to the 3rd floor Venue wifi, and was scrambling around trying other ones in range. He never could connect successfully to ANY network on the 3rd floor -- including yours. He may have been mistaken but he did not "lie" -- which is a deliberate attempt to deceive. And the bottom line is: your wifi system sucks.

August 19th, 2009, 11:46
Ok I'm game

please enlighten me, for I am the first to acknowledge I do not know everything!

No, it's just that you said it's impossible for him to get a "you owe XXXX baht message", that's all. Like you, I've never seen an ISP do that, but it's very much possible. Just block all ports, and for all requests to port 80, throw back a "pay your damn bill" message. And honestly, if I was an ISP providing service to a hotel, I'd probably do the same. This way I know the guests are going to complain, meaning I'm probably going to get paid that much sooner.

As for why he could connect on the 2nd floor, I have no idea. My best guess is he got a signal from a hotspot outside of The Venue on the 2nd floor, that he couldn't pickup on the 3rd floor. That's probably why the connection was so intermittent. It was a really weak signal.

August 19th, 2009, 11:46
WIFI systems are many things - but if I could invent one that sucks then I would be a rich man.

August 19th, 2009, 11:55
Ok I'm game

please enlighten me, for I am the first to acknowledge I do not know everything!

No, it's just that you said it's impossible for him to get a "you owe XXXX baht message", that's all.

ah ok - apologies. It is my experience that the three main providers simply chop you off after non-payment, and TRUE is technologically better placed than the others to handle nonpayment by sending a message. The ADSL at The VENUE is tied in to the telephone account, and they simply chop everything including phone calls when payment isn't made.

For you guys that don't live here, the infrastructure used by all ISP's is inadequate and continually drops the signal may be one or twice a day, then ok for a few days, then drops again.

In fact, so BB can really have a dig at me, the wi-fi at The Venue didn't work at all yesterday, due to no doubt to the sucky w-lan. Or wait, may be it was because there was no signal from the ISP. But thats ok, blame me ;-)

August 19th, 2009, 12:01
So you lied when you said it was impossible for an ISP to display an account due message?

For shame, for shame.

August 19th, 2009, 12:01
It's like watching a car accident.

August 19th, 2009, 12:07
Well, since we're doing reviews of wi-fi systems now, if anyone's interested, I can highly recommend the wi-fi at Mosaik. I don't know what ISP they use, but it's excellent. The speed and connectivity has improved probably at least 400% since I was last here two years ago.

August 19th, 2009, 12:15
So you lied when you said it was impossible for an ISP to display an account due message?

For shame, for shame.

please don't twist my words .. what I said was

"You would not get a message like that. No ifs, no buts ...."

and that stands for the config and ISP in use by The Venue, which I assumed was the topic in hand and not a generic discussion about ISP's.

Tut Tut

August 19th, 2009, 12:38
What, exactly, do I need to brush up on? How ADSL works? How w-lan work? Package handling? Peer to peer connectivity? The under capacity international gateway into/out of Thailand?

Public relations?

Khor tose
August 19th, 2009, 12:56
I haven't seen any message such as this from CAT TTT or TOT here in Pattaya - and in fact would be interested to hear if anyone has, just for my own interest!
You already have...but you have dismissed it as a "lie".
you miss the point .. in the same post you said that the WIFI wasn't working because of an unpaid bill followed by it was working on another floor.
Now you can have one of those tales, but not both at the same time, so one of those statements is not true. So which one is it?

Patexpat. most of the hotels I have stayed in use a lan in the rooms, and often have a wi-fi router hooked up in the dining and lounge areas for those who wish to eat with their laptops. Why couldn't Bunny's friend have just missed seeing the lan plug in his room and assumed they had wi-fi which, of course, would not work three floors up, but might work one floor closer to the 1st floor?
What is wrong with this scenario? The fact that is was trying to use wi-fi and he had a lan line in his room, could easily be just one more example of how mismanaged the place is, as he was obviously not told or shown where the lan plug was.

Secondly, I have known bunny to be wrong about some things, but I have never thought he was a liar, and I have no reason to believe he is in this case.

August 19th, 2009, 13:05
Thank you Beach Bunny for the review of Venue. It is obvious to me that the review is based upon someone's actual experience as there is far too much detail in the review for it to be otherwise.
As a result of the review and what others with first hand experience have told me I will certainly not recommend to anyone to stay at the place. Based also upon what I have heard about the Cabaret show likewise it is not worth going to see either.
Very useful getting people to post truthful reviews as saves all of us from wasting our time at loser estrablishments.

August 19th, 2009, 13:42
I stayed at the Venue for 10 days back in May and one of my observations (I can't call it a complaint as it really did not bother me) was that you can hear the show from your room. I was usually up late so it did not bother me, and some nights I did not get back until the show was over anyway. I had the same experience at Ambiance with the music from the show thumping in the room, but you expect it in those places.

The mattress on the bed was very hard. I also found it much to firm to get a good sleep. The wifi never worked for me there. Luckily there was an ethernet port so I just plugged in with a cable. This is ok if you have a device with that capability, and while most laptops do, most hand held devices like smart phones do not.

I thought the room was a good size and I did not have any issues with the safe, it worked fine for me. The staff was always very friendly and helpful. I thought the drink prices in the bar were reasonable and the show is good by Pattaya standards IMHO.

When I stayed, I got the benefit of the special offer at the time of 999 Baht and a free upgrade. I think I was in what would have been one of the 1999 Baht rooms. I would not stay there again unless they change the mattresses, but if you like very a firm mattress, I would say that it would be worth a try if the rates were about 35-45% lower. As currently priced I would not recommend it.

August 19th, 2009, 14:00
The wifi never worked for me there.

Liar! LOL.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 19th, 2009, 16:07
serves you right beach bunny for having boring friends that write long boring reviews about hotels and email them to you like some poncy fuckwit. Tell him to get-a-life. :pukeright:

August 19th, 2009, 16:20
serves you right beach bunny for having boring friends that write long boring reviews about hotels and email them to you like some poncy fuckwit. Tell him to get-a-life. :pukeright:

He did not write it exclusively to me. He wrote it mainly with the intention of submitting it to several hotel review sites, like tripadvisor.com, and merely copied it to me knowing my interest in the place.

August 19th, 2009, 18:43
serves you right beach bunny for having boring friends that write long boring reviews about hotels and email them to you like some poncy fuckwit. Tell him to get-a-life. :pukeright:

That's a han-sam new look :blackeye:

August 19th, 2009, 18:51
[quote="Lunchtime O'Booze":1z9bash3]serves you right beach bunny for having boring friends that write long boring reviews about hotels and email them to you like some poncy fuckwit. Tell him to get-a-life. :pukeright:

He did not write it exclusively to me. He wrote it mainly with the intention of submitting it to several hotel review sites, like tripadvisor.com, and merely copied it to me knowing my interest in the place.[/quote:1z9bash3]

He's a good writer.

It's amazing how quickly a hotel's reputation can be tarnished on sites like tripadvisor... luckily (for the hotels) there are still plenty of idiots not online or savvy enough to check reviews.

August 19th, 2009, 19:38
[quote="Lunchtime O'Booze":2ae56aay]serves you right beach bunny for having boring friends that write long boring reviews about hotels and email them to you like some poncy fuckwit. Tell him to get-a-life. :pukeright:

He did not write it exclusively to me. He wrote it mainly with the intention of submitting it to several hotel review sites, like tripadvisor.com, and merely copied it to me knowing my interest in the place.[/quote:2ae56aay]

I am a little intrigued as to why this 'friend' would write to you about this particular hotel. Which you seem happy to allow to be run down and when you have always led us to believe you have no interest in coming to stay in Pattaya and have never seen fit to have made comments on other hotels in the area. ( your quote..."knowing my interest in the place"!) It all sounds very suspicious!.
You call others liars about the Internet connections within the hotel, run them down and then say that maybe your 'friend' was wrong and connected to other servers. You then choose to ignore the issues that others challenge you on.
To me it sounds as if the whole thing is a set up and is in no way a unbiased report, but one that has some hidden agenda.
Maybe one hopes that the owners are made aware of this thread and can go back to the one night 'guest' ( which I am sure that they will have his or her full details)and contact him or her and find out what was actually said and who did they Email that report to!!.

Khor tose
August 19th, 2009, 20:04
if they do have a problem, they speak to the reception or manager and its put right almost immediately.

When youтАЩre a manger you have different categories of complaints..

A) Is it a human error or just bad luck or an oversight.- or How could we put the matter right, if the complaint had been reported early its would be easy to put right.

B) Is it bad Management. Is it going to reflect badly on the Hotel :- Not much can be done now, can be easily solved next day, :- up grade the customer and try to make emends with some kind of reimbursement.

C) Customer a habitual complainer and no matter if you try to console him, it will not satisfy them, until they have retribution. :- get them out the Hotel any way possible.

So if you look at all the categories above, all but one was solvable by seeking a Senior Manager, it would seem, so why did not this customer call for the manger and all his problems would be solved, in a minutes.

So can you tell us why you wrote your complaints here and so you say other web sites, before you spoke to the owners, after all you did hear them in the building singing.

If you were not happy, you must be a very whimpish Business man, I donтАЩt know any who would not be on the phone to the reception or down in the lift complaining in seconds, to the Manger, so that is the part I am dubious about.

Very interesting rating system. Of course if the customer had complained about all of the things that happened during his stay at "The Venue" he would have instantly been put in category "C" and they would tried to get him "out of the Hotel any way possible".

Brad the Impala
August 19th, 2009, 20:36
Personally, if I had already been checked into one room, and some sniffer from reception came up and told me that I had to move into a cheaper room, I would have explained that if I had to move, it would have been moving out of the hotel.

With no apology or explanation that another guest had already booked the original room, there was only one thing that any "hotel" should do in this situation, which is allow the guest to remain in the room that he has already checked into.

BB can be an arse, but I have no doubt that the experience as described is genuine.

I skimmed Bottoms version of life as a Blackpool Landlady, which sounds as if it is how The Venue is being run.

Khor tose
August 19th, 2009, 21:58
All the VENUE Needs, is one of those 1600 baht top matresses, that will make any bed softer and more comfortable, if you like that.

Darn it, you did not read my letter to you on page 2 of this thread. The Venue needs your skills, personality and talent to make it a success. You really should drop everything and go rescue them.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 20th, 2009, 02:04
Bottoms Up you old slapper..that was no lady that was me in the Range Rover if that's your fleapit hotel in the picture..I remember it well.

Friggin manager was pissed as a rat most days and as for mouldy towels..just a towel would have done .

you owe me 25 quid you old c**t.

August 20th, 2009, 17:47
When I checked in The Venue, the very cute receptionist showed me to my room, unfortunately he could not open the door so went to get the right key and opened the door to my room. He apologised and said "may I help you unpack" to which I said "why not?".
He zipped open my large suitcase and carefully handled my clothes and hang them in the cupboard. I was sorting my hand luggage when he said to me" I will put the washbag in your bathroom, would you like me to run a bath?". "why not?" I replied.
He then came towards me and started undoing the buttons of my shirt, and then my trousers and took me into the bathroom.
I was already feeling that I hadn't come accross such personalised service, and I was enjoying being pampered.
He was going to leave the bathroom, when he showed me the shampoo and liquid soap bottles, and said "would you like me to soap you down?" to which I said "why not?".
I proceeded to take off my undies and jump into the foamy bath. I felt his smooth hands rub some soap on my back, then my chest and then stretched down to my pubes by which time my organ was erect.
I then said why don't you take your clothes off and join me in the bath to which he agreed.

What a welcome that was!

August 20th, 2009, 17:52
When I checked in The Venue...But, the WiFi, dammit. Did the WiFi work? :argue:

August 20th, 2009, 20:29
any customers will be a bonus :tongue:

...so are you saying there are none?

August 20th, 2009, 22:07
Not being the reception Manager of the VENUE HOTEL how would I Know, I'm sure they have their fair share of the few customers that are going to Pattaya in this very low season, I know it is mainly, many local residents who like the fun of the VENUE Show Bar. with is cheap drinks, I dont know how they do it for the money :geek:

They're losing money, that's how.

August 20th, 2009, 22:56
What do you mean THEY? I think you'll find that only one man is losing money and he has that much he can afford it.

August 20th, 2009, 23:05
What do you mean THEY? I think you'll find that only one man is losing money and he has that much he can afford it.

Indeed. As it has been wryly observed, the whole place is a vanity project...no need to be well run or to make money, as long as it provides the owner a stage from which he can screech at the top of his lungs and pretend to have friends.

Lunchtime O'Booze
August 20th, 2009, 23:09
:tongue: Then you woke from your dream, but Hey this is what use to hapen who knows, if it does not now, I 'm sure the bookngs have doubled already ? :tongue:

At least I hear the Club Bar down stairs is still playing to large houses. mind you with some of the cheapest drinks in town around 100 baht no wonder they are popular, so untill the high season, and special offers of 999 Baht a night, any customers will be a bonus :tongue:

ahhh you said the magic words..."cheapest drinks in town" :cheers:

August 20th, 2009, 23:11
What do you mean THEY? I think you'll find that only one man is losing money and he has that much he can afford it.

Indeed. As it has been wryly observed, the whole place is a vanity project...no need to be well run or to make money, as long as it provides the owner a stage from which he can screech at the top of his lungs and pretend to have friends.

I don't think the owner screeches at the top of his lungs that's his entertainment manager.

August 20th, 2009, 23:17
I hear he sings a mean version of "Born Free"...and by "mean", I'm referring to the literal definition.

August 20th, 2009, 23:32
It would seem that the fire is stoked yet again against one particular business. Via Hidden Agenda.... Beach Bunny( not that others get there fair share either.) The unfortunate downside is that you get multifaceted members entering the arena ,with some form of defense and off we go again with the aggression of this poster and the responses that follow.

Whilst I dont know B/U or his perceived other identities it is very irritating to see the escalation of remarks against any business( Zinzone as an example with this particular business.)and just feel that B/U does not give the most satisfying or exciting positive responses.
Particuarly with his claims of knowing the owners and their feeling towards him!!!!.

Please, B/U, dont respond because you really have become a personal target in whatever you have tried to achieve on this Forum. Unfortunately you are attacked on every other thread where you try to create "one upmanship'. Not good on this particular website which is lke an expensive wine that has not improved at all with age.
Even with that ego can you not realise that you will get attacked again and again and all you create is lots of readers loving you be shot down in flames, hence the the number of views to a thread( where you are the main participant). Surely lifes not worth that form of self flagellation!!!!
As far as the initial 'Header" I see that . 'Miss Bend over Backwords while i am eating my young guys cock' ( Beach Bunny)is creaming herself at the responses. Maybe the intense search that is being done about the mysterious one business guest at The Venue has her guessing. There are some positive results as I understand it as to who is on what emailing list.
I notice that you have not made comment on my earlier post about 'you being interested in The Venue' whilst not being a visitor to Pattaya!!! Seems strange to say the least!!!!