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Thread: Vietnam Trip

  1. #1
    Up Yer Kilt scottish-guy's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Vietnam Trip

    Well, arrived in Saigon for my first ever trip to Vietnam last night (door to door 21 hours).

    Emirates flights via DBX uneventful but up to usual high standard with good quality food (by airline standards) and no shortage of drinks.

    Arrival at Tan Son Nhat airport around 8pm was in advance of scheduled time and with only 4 people in front of me at passport control, I was soon making my way to collect luggage and clear security (note that you have to put all your luggage through the X-ray scanners on your way INTO Vietnam).

    Had brought a new iPhone/ipad for BF and was wary of what would happen with these as I'd read that either I'd be extorted out of significant sums of money or have a lengthy debate with customs staff (involving receipts having to be produced) about whether they accepted these were "personal belongings". In the event, nobody was in the least interested in the contents of my luggage and there did not even appear to be any customs officers on duty at all. So that's a lesson learned.

    BF was waiting with his sister and a friend and after a pretty short taxi ride we all soon arrived at the A&EM hotel. Well, after all the discussion about 2 guys sharing a double room, the receptionist turned out to be as camp as Christmas and assured us it would have been no problem. - except they didn't have a room for us (despite being booked and paid in advance) and would we move round the corner to one of their other hotels. So, that's what we did and everything was fine.

    Was taken to some club or other last night (will doubtless find out the name at some point. Very loud and very expensive - so no rush to go back. Then a final few beers in a local bar which seemed to be staffed by ladyboys and female prostitutes. Certainly no sign of any boys for hire in either of these establishments. Weather was dry and seemed quite cool really.

    Missed the breakfast thus morning (as usual) so I ventured outside about 11am. The weather is certainly different at that time - very hot indeed! By accident I found myself at the famous Ben Thahn market - a maze of stalls selling everything you can think of from a sheeps head to freshly ground coffee. If you're not into haggling, don't go here - the price starts off double what you'll end up paying.

    Was quite surprised that the city centre has such a European look to it - very French, with wide boulevards and little parks laid out here and there. The hotel is the same - very ornate inside with period telephones in the rooms and large ornately- framed paintings on the bedroom walls. Very poofy indeed - just the ticket for an old queen.

    Found it difficult to locate the foreign exchange booths which are so prevalent in Thailand and ended up changing some money in a bank at around 33000 dong to the ┬г. Then sat in a small cafe and ordered some (4) spring rolls and a Heineken beer - total 60,000 dong = less than ┬г2.

    This afternoon visited Diamond Plaza complex with BF, sister, and 2 friends of BF for bowling. 250,000D for 1 hour and by the time we'd each had a few beers and snackettes the bill had reached about 3 x that, but still pretty good value I reckon.

    I think the intention is to spend just 3 days in Saigon and them go to Na Trang which BF tells me is at the sea - so, more to come....

  2. #2
    Moderator christianpfc's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Re: Vietnam Trip

    Thanks for your report. I remember a post about your boyfriend having fled Vietnam to avoid being drafted to the army, so this problem got solved?

  3. #3
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Vietnam Trip

    The dong seems to drop almost continuously. Reminds me of a 'cheap' joke -

    A recent immigrant from Vietnam walked into a currency exchange in Los Angeles with 10 million dong, walking out with $500. The next month he walked in with another 10 million, and was handed $450. He asked the teller why he got less money that month than the last one. The teller said, "Fluctuations."

    The guy stormed out. Just before slamming the door he turned around and shouted, "Fluc you Amelicans, too!" #-o

  4. #4
    Moderator a447's Avatar
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    Re: Vietnam Trip

    Nobody likes a dong that drops, least of all me!

  5. #5
    Up Yer Kilt scottish-guy's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Re: Vietnam Trip

    Last night was taken over to BFs new house, ostensibly for a meal, but when I arrived a surprise Birthday party had been organised and three generations of his family had turned up to greet me, along with 2 or 3 cute friends of his, which was very nice - and yet more flowers for me!! I politely nibbled at the vast array of Vietnamese food which had been laid out but I was more at home with the birthday cake, and the Chivas Regal which his father seemed very keen to keep re-filling my glass with (as he refilled his own at the same time).

    So it was a late night back to the hotel (don't even remember leaving his house actually) - and we did not wake until 11.00am, meaning I'd missed the breakfast yet again.

    Basically my trip has been totally taken over by BF and sister who are arranging everything and I just get ushered into a taxi periodically and get taken places. It's fine by me because I didn't have any specific plans anyway, so I don't feel as if I'm missing anything - and I haven't paid for any of the taxis yet!

    For lunch I was taken to SH Garden restaurant, which has a rooftop dining area overlooking the city. I would recommend this place for food, service, and location - not to mention a ride to the top in what seemed to be a very very old and small elevator with the old-fashioned iron "gate" inner door that I haven't seen in the UK foR about 40yrs. BF ordered a wide variety of small dishes of chicken, beef, pork, rice of course, and some kind of fish soup. I was able to eat everything on offer and it was all very tasty. I had 2 beers and BF & sister had iced tea. Since they had put on the party last night and paid for yesterday's bowling excursion (tho I got the drinks/snacks) I thought it fair to get the bill and it was roughly 1,200,000 Dong which I guess must be about ┬г25-30, which seems reasonable.

    Coming out of the restaurant and attempting to cross 3 roads (same as Thailand in that pedestrian crossings count for absolutely nothing) I spotted the rather famous Rex Hotel so decided to take a wander through that. The ground floor is crammed full of top-end shops - Rolex, Versace etc etc - none of them with a single customer in them! Hotel itself is extremely opulent and I'm sure I raised a few eyebrows with my shorts, sandals, and casual shirt.

    As for tonight - who knows!

    PS: Christian - yes the army issue got sorted out somehow - around April this year. I can't say with any great certainty HOW it got resolved (something about having studied for over 2 years outside Vietnam as far as I could make out) but it did. I'm certainly much happier to see him in his own country with his family there for him and he seems to be doing well in his new study. Much better situation than those 2-3 years he was continually flitting between Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand etc etc

  6. #6
    Moderator a447's Avatar
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    Re: Vietnam Trip

    Speaking of the Rex hotel, make sure you go to the rooftop bar for a drink and maybe a meal. The Caravelle also does an awesome evening buffet for around US$50.

  7. #7
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: Vietnam Trip

    Yes the Rex serves GREAT cocktails up on the roof bar, well worth a visit.

    Edit - just shows you I just googled the Rex to remind myself of my trip and my "great" cocktails must have been due to me really enjoying my trip as the Rex is getting quite average reviews now and there are several much more opulent rooftops cocktail bars now it seems in Saigon - oh well, "I" certainly enjoyed it whilst sitting there sipping away and watching the world going by below ....... I was going to post a pic from the website but I'd hate to be accused of being a Beechy :-)

  8. #8
    Up Yer Kilt scottish-guy's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Re: Vietnam Trip

    Last night was taken to DC club in HCMC - upscale dance club with DJ belting out various unrecognisable tunes at decibel levels which actually made your body vibrate.

    On the way there in the taxi, I noticed we passed one of the very few actual gay bars - Godmother - but didn't get the chance to look in as by the time we left the club after 2am, all I wanted was to get back to my hotel.

    Price-wise I couldn't give you the least idea what the evening cost, where 2 bottles of Vodka and 2 bottles of Hennesy brandy were consumed by our group of about six, with extremely fastidious waiters dishing it out a thimbleful at time, until a couple of us got a bit impatient with that and made sure we got a decent drink.

    The reason I have no idea of the cost was that I paid nothing! Again, I'm not entirely sure but I think the 2 bottles of Vodka were gratis because BF rounded up 4 women to come into the club - and this seems to qualify you for free booze! But also he seems to do some promotional work for them as he was signing chittys every now and then. Doubt if I'll get to the bottom of that. The brandy was courtesy of some middle aged guy who joined our group and who didn't like Vodka, so he bought the brandy - which I must say I'm not fond of but I did drink some just to be sociable. Incidentally, I'm of course familiar with the assisted toilet arrangements in some venues in Thailand, but the palaver to have a piss in DC Club is in another league. You don't simply go to the toilet in this place, the minute you get off your seat and look in the direction of the toilet you are literally accosted by the security staff with both hands guiding you across the floor, until you are delivered into the hands of a different group of staff members who guide you with both hands to the door of the bog, where you are passed into the hands of the toilet staff who guide you with both hands to the relevant pissoir or cubicle of your choice.

    Oh I meant to say - also visited McDonalds which apparently has only opened in Vietnam in the last couple of months. Large meal was around ┬г2 but I have to say it wasn't quite right, far too much mayo on BFs burger with result that salad was a runny mess. And the ice cream (or more likely the strawberry sauce) tasted of curry for some obscure reason-don't think they've perfected it yet!

    Have now checked out of hotel and visiting his mother who, as I type, is cooking something up - shudder to think actually, but time will tell. After that we embark on a bus journey to Na Trang. I was informed casually yesterday that the bus trip takes 8-10 hours! So that should certainly be an adventure or more likely an ordeal.

  9. #9
    Up Yer Kilt scottish-guy's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Re: Vietnam Trip

    I can confirm that "ordeal" was an understatement. Boarded the sleeper bus "express" at 7.30am in Saigon and arrived at about 8am the following morning. So 11 hours of sheer, unendurable hell, crammed into a sardine tin berth, with no working toilet on board, no refreshments, no adequate vent insulation, and only 1 x 30min stop at one of those roadside shitholes. Even the natives were complaining! Yet another lesson learned.

    Great hotel in Na Trang - only been open 6 months and we got free upgrade to VIP suite because we arrived at about 7.45am and I don't think they had a room ready. Of course they could well have said to come back at 2pm but fortunately they didn't.

    Went on a boat trip at 8.30am because we only have 2 days here - visited a number of small islands, free food etc and beer at $1 a can to buy. Got back about 4pm approx. Great day out for only 50,000 dong for two.

    On the boat, spotted a cable car that runs across the sea to a point called from memory Vietpoint? But now I've typed it, it doesn't look right. Checking it out tomorrow anyway

  10. #10
    Senior member lego's Avatar
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    Re: Vietnam Trip

    Great reports, Scottish Guy, please keep them coming!

    I can help you out with that cable car in Nha Trang, it's called Vinpearl.
    Yes, grandpa, I know it used to be more fun 30 years ago...

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