aot87 wrote:
Back to the main point, I think the main reason , 1) low exchange rate 2) high price of drinks and hotels , etc coupled with the exchange rate, 3) lack of service given by the boys ie in and out as quick as possible and lastly guys want a change of scene if its for their holiday. I wont tell u the name but last year I payed approx 1400bht for my hotel room at this time of year, now its getting close on 2000 per night. I was getting 56 bht to the ┬г now it nearing 45 , so any sane person can see what I mean. Also the trouble is most farang bar owners are getting like the thais , ie instead of bringing down the drink prices to try and get more punters to come into the bars they now tend to increase the prices to make up for their losses

The low exchange rate might apply to the northern hemisphere but for Australians the Aust$ is still hovering around 30c up from low 20s. Low exchange rates and high cost of drinks dont apply for us, yet still the numbers from here are in decline. My friends that have not visited recently and plan not to in the forseeable future mention the political unrest, the closing of the airport last year and the negative reports on sex tourism in the press.

Most have mentioned that they used to rely on Sawatdee for their information and motivation for their travel. Since the board has become so negative they have stopped visiting. The number of registered members on line is now rarely more than 15.Usually about less that 25% of those reading the board at any time. I cannot recall recently when the numbers in the previous hour was greater that 100, substantially down on figures of 12 months ago. [ see bottom of the forum page]

I wonder how many of those who do not log in are regular visitors to LOS or perhaps first time forum visitors seeking info for perhaps their first trip. On the portal page is a list of the top referring sites. Ricequeen diary, dreaded ned and gaytingtong, top the list. I doubt if the content of this board would encourage them to revisit, make their first visit or if they come to Thailand ,visit Pattaya.

I had a PM that suggested that the forum was only "a goof?" a chance to take the piss out of people.
Sawatdee has certainly has lost its relevance through lack of moderation. If it was to be sold I would suggest its value has halved in less than 12 months. It certainly has lost its former relevance for tourists.

Why would anyone seeking info for their first trip ever come on line here and ask for help?

Certainly the budget traveller will be impacted by the points in the quote, but what percentage of gay travellers are cut price tourists?

There are probably many of the "90 in the previous hour" that remain logged on whilst surfing or working. I do myself. A rough guess at the number of visitors in a day, registered and not might be 1000. Of those, say 50 might be considering a trip to Pattaya. They will get little from this board to encourage them and a substantial volume of posts to discourage them.

As for the low season. I prefer it. The bars, clubs and the beach are not crowded. Rent Boy numbers might be down from around 1000 to 400, but if you cant find one to pleasure you, you must have high expectations. The quoted comment that boys rush in and out surely only applies to high season. In low season there are keener to give service and are grateful to earn any tip.