Those questions too hard, huh? Don't have any answers?

Ok, try this one. It may just help you out.

Here's a recent post from Surfcrest, made after frequent (who was posting at the time as kommentariat) tried to kill the board.

I have explained to the membership already that I accidentally banned kommentariat.I can't recall why he was suspended, I doubt it had anything to do with Lèse majesté as that is not kommentariat's thing, that's more a Khor tose thing.

As you are very....err...."close" shall we say, to Surfcrest, can you explain why he is denying it ever happened when clearly it did?

The posts were quickly removed before anyone in authority saw them, but I'm sure members can remember the comments of others, condemning Kommie /frequent.

So maybe now you can tell me what I have done which is more serious, leading for your call for me to be banned.

Time to put up or shut up, Brad.