Watching frequent running around like a chicken with its head cut off, desperately trying to prop up his story, is both hilarious and rather embarrassing. With every post he just digs the hole deeper. Like Latin, blind as a bat matt (who I hear is about to apply for a pilot's licence) and dopey Brad, he covers one lie with another. So dumb!

His attempts to appear unconcerned - "It's only a flesh wound" -are ludicrous.

But it's all his own fault. All I do with these losers is dig up their own comments which prove they are liars.

His attack dogs have gathered around him to offer support, but their bark is worse than their bite.

Unfortunately, they are *chow-chows, not border collies.

* "Chow Chow: This ancient breed is both stubborn and stupid"

See, frequent? Your bizarre obsession with me has come back to bite you in the bum. I've exposed you for the fraud you are.

I'm loving this! I haven't had so much fun since that incident I had with the turkey baster!
