Smoking Ban in bars and other entertainment venues from 11th February.

On Thursday Morning at Pattaya City Hall, Khun Niran, the Mayor of Pattaya along with his Senior Adviser, Khun Itipon chaired a meeting of Entertainment Venue Managers and Owners from around Pattaya to discuss new legislation which is about to come into force and previous legislation which City Hall must enforce. The main issue discussed in the meeting was a new law which is coming into force on 11th February. From this day Smoking is not permitted in public venues including bars, offices and markets. The maximum fine which can be imposed on individuals who are caught breaking this law is 2,000 Baht. The bar owners were told about this new law and how they must ensure it is enforced in their venues. The owners and managers were also reminded that regulations regarding music levels and industrial waste control are still applicable and checks will be made over the coming months to ensure that venues are adhering to these exisiting regulations

Now I'll have to find a new avatar :cyclopsani: