The last time I visited Thailand, Babylon was bustling with patrons. The street stalls in Silom had started to regain their space after being temporarily occupied by sidewalk foot traffic. Patpong was packed with customers, stall workers, bar touts, and a variety of bars. In Bangkok, the prices of drinks in go-go bars were increasing, reaching 400 baht and occasionally even 500 baht on certain nights. In Pattaya, Boys Boys Boys charged 300 baht per show drink. Additionally, the beach chairs in Pattaya were struggling to survive due to reduced numbers and mandatory closure on Wednesdays.

As I contemplate returning to Thailand this year, I can't help but wonder what changes to expect. Are the bars in Bangkok still charging 400 baht? Is BBB still charging 300 baht? Can you still purchase fashionable underwear from the charming Thai girl with what I remember as a British accent? Is Jimmyfirst still working at the Pinnacle Hotel? Are Nature Boy and Golden Cock still in operation? I'm eager to hear any updates that can satisfy my curiosity.

Smiles, if you are out there, I went looking for some of your old posts for a refresher of your old familiar wit.