I just come back from Pattaya and as some of you know, one way to treat PPD (Post-Pattaya depression) is to write and to write and to write again about your last trip. Here are my impressions about some places I visited in Pattaya (mostly in Sunee I have to say)...
I am neither an hypocrite nor a fussy guy so I prefer to write frankly ... nevertheless I would understand the moderators if they chose to delete some disturbing parts of this modest report.
More in my blog....

Dream Boy
In Pattayaland : the percentage of real boys seems higher in this bar and some are on the cute side but not all. For me the best bar in the soi.
Star Boys
This bar is on the wrong side of Pattaya 2 if you are in Boystown but they always have a staff of young and friendly guys, and no one hassles you for offing or for drinking, which I like.
Other Pattayaland bars
I went to Handy Boys, West Wild Boys, Gacuya, Sawatdee, Four Seasons and Gentleman. I was surprised to find very few farangs when I went there (they were generally outnumbered by asian customers except in Gentleman). Also the prices for drinks vary from one place to another, West Wild Boys being the most expensive and this not being justified by the cuteness of the boys on display, at least for my eyes.
The 10pm "show" in Kaos is exactly like many described it : dozens of boys, some quite young, taking off their underwears and dancing in the buff ... the bar is jam packed (reading the gay forums you would think that no one goes there ...), and it would be tempting to think with one's scrotch and act as if there was no law and no limit ... The boys are beautiful and even if most hide their treasure with their hand, seeing nude young bodies more or less dancing is very pleasing to the eye and somewhere else too....
You would had to be blind to forget what is behind this show ; especially, many boys if not most are probably high on illicit drugs : too excited, too keen on showing off their nude body, too friendly with the audience.... But I will not be an hypocrite and I can only say I like to go sometimes to this kind of place (and I am obviously far from being alone ...).
Krazy Dragon
Krazy Dragon which seemed much tamer in comparison ... A Khorat boy whom I had chatted with last week (incredibly cute face but very shy attitude) had already gone back home and many boys seemed to be busy with farangs. Another great place to go in Pattaya but better to go early when all the boys are still there.
K Boys
Another crazy place where every hour or so, four boys dance in the buff on one of the cubicles situated at the corners of the main scene. The age average here is about the same as in Kaos but there is not much discipline.
The atmosphere in this bar is still more scary than in the other one with some boys seeming to be very far away and some other overexcited. OK for eye candy but nothing more ! And definitely too many ladyboys.
Holiday 2
By far the the sleaziest gogo-bar in Pattaya ... as soon as you enter, a boy will come and sit with you, and will not oppose at all if you want to kiss him, or much more. In the same time, three or four other boys sit on the stage with their dick out and working it. Boys are rather old by Sunee Plaza standards and not too cute but you would not come here for eye candy but for action ...
Nice place with a good atmosphere and mostly nice boys on stage. The staff is very welcoming.
Beware not walking on the boy's feet when going to your seat ! Many ladyboys once again but some beautiful male lads among them. Beware ID cards.
...(censured)... Bar
The place in the middle of Sunee that no one even dares to name . I went inside (doormen are very agressive and efficient here !) but was not impressed excepted by the sadness of the place. There is a gloomy streetside bar next door where some nasty action seems to take place between old (and I mean : old) farangs and young (and I mean : young) street lads. I am not fussy but this was really too much ...
Y2K Gogo Bar
I went there because of a doorman only to find a bunch of very ordinary boys and almost no customers at all. Sorry for the owner who seems to be very proud of his selection ...
Having developped special relations with one of the boys, I went quite often in this beer-bar (for chatting, cuddling and offing). Except for two of them, the lads seem to change very often, but were invariably young and cute. The (thai) owner could do well too....
Mic's My Boy Bar
This is the beer bar between K-Boys and Forest House. I have to say I do not understand how this bar works ... they always have cute boys sitting in front of it, working hard to call you for having a drink. Nevertheless I hardly saw any customer there. A boy explained me that most customers come very late in the evening, as the places turns into a karaoke and closes very late. ... The bar has some discrete corners where it would be easy to strike up a thorough acquaintance with any boy you would fancy about.
This is a special place for me as I met my boyfriend there ... They are now specialising into ladyboys (easier to manage, said the owner) but this beer-bar remains a welcoming easygoing place with an unobstructed view over the Kaos entry ... and doormen !
Red Dragon (Day & Night)
Has recently been turned into a gogobar but they are in fact both a beer bar outside and a gogobar inside. Nothing to write home about but a nice all-red decor.
Royal House Message Place
I generally do not like to go in massage places probably because I only had ordinary experiences with the massage boys I have met until now. The massage that a Nakhon Phanom young lad gave (err.. sold...) me was definitely the best one I ever had in Thailand at least for the "special" part of it. Promising myself to give more time to this kind of entertainment next time I go to Thailand ... Royal House is somewhat hidden behind Day and Night Plaza on Soi 3.