@Tara, I don't know, I guess time will tell. New poll just out showing 43% approval for impeachment. Plus what I've heard from the town halls, lots of Republicans are already poised to lose their jobs in 2018 due to the health care bill. That means if / when evidence comes out that can't be ignored or refuted, they will have no choice but to impeach him, or even more Republicans will lose their job next year.

Now whether or not Trump actually gets removed from office is another story, and more diffucult. However, my point was he can not allow himself to "lose", so he will resign before this gets to a serious impeachment phase, which I'm sure will eventurally happen. That could be as soon as next week when James Comey testifies.

I still think Trump will resign shortly, then hold one last press conference, throw one of his typical childish tantrums, blame everyone else for his self inflicted wounds, then go back to his pussy grabbing private life.

Again, I guess time will tell...