Quote Originally Posted by Dodger
Like many of you, I have visited some of the most remote regions in Thailand and there is ALWAYS as place where the gays find to hang out with each other. I wouldn't classify these as "gay communites" at all - just a place where the gays get together. Thep took me to a dwelling once which was nothing more that a bamboo shack located in the jungle not far from his village where a dozen or so gay boys hang around together at night. I guess you could call this a little gay sub-community if you wanted to, but in all reality, it's just a place to hang out. The gays in Thailand all have these places everywhere from Songkla to Chiang Rai, and if you're ever fortunate enough to be invited inside you will experience the time of your life.
and why do the gay village guys need to hang out in a bamboo shack located in the jungle? do the village straight guys have a similar bamboo shack somewhere in the jungle - or are they, as more acceptable citizens, allowed to hang out at venues in the village or nearest town?

the gays in New York had these little ghettos as well till the Stonewall riots!
