The fact of the matter is that *all* on this forum are crossing their fingers and *hoping* to know what the law is on prostitution in Thailand. We are told above that "everybody knows" - actually the situation is that everybody *doesn't* know. Over the years on this forum alone there have been posters whose opinions I highly respect (unlike those of Rabbi Poxxy) who have argued *both* that prostitution is illegal in Thai law, and that it is *not*

The Rabbi has clearly now taken time off from studying the Torah to delve into Thai law using his impeccable command of the Thai language enabling him to know not only the letter of the Thai law but every nuance and every possibility arising from it.

We are now expected to believe that in addition to being an international forensic accountant who can be paid 3 Business Class air fares by 3 different Companies for the same Cargo class trip on China Southern, he is also a professor of Thai law.

The reality however is that opinions expressed on this forum in relation to Thai law are mostly based on what has been read elsewhere or what Jimmy in the pub happened to tell us 5yrs ago - so my opinion on whether it would be technically possible for a customer to be investigated or charged in relation to the facilitation of prostitution is just as valid as anybody else's.

The Rabbi may not be aware that the growing trend in the world is for the prostitute to be regarded in law as the "victim" and the customer as the person who commits the crime of solicitation. Whether this has or will ever reach Thailand is something that we can all spout an opinion on but on which I suspect nobody here is in the least qualified to comment upon in any definitive sense.