Quote Originally Posted by justaguy View Post
Yes I do look at the screen, not at all at the keyboard, even though matt seems to believe I am confused
Justaguy I'm with you and know what you mean as I do roughly the same and I too have one of the old trusted bang the letters hard keyboard ( in work) and a soft touch at home and my work keyboard is SO much easier and faster to type on. Like you I also ( have to) look at the screen as I type and and whilst I'm not a never look down man I have maybe looked down in total maybe 4 or 5 times whilst typing this message, but that's more as I use a mac keyboard at home and PC at work so the lettering is different and it's hard to remember which is which sometimes - but even the 4 or 5 times is whilst sitting typing with only the glare of the screen illuminating the room as I was just passing the computer and glanced at it without bothering to turn the light on when I stopped to send this message. So, I'm with you, I think what you're doing is fairly normal ( to me anyway). I guess Matt if he can't see at all relies on some speech reading . writing software perhaps ?