Thank you very much for your report. I have no sexual interest in Arabs (but in Blacks very much!). I love reading candid reports like yours, most members here sugarcoat their interaction with moneyboys (prostitutes, escorts).
Second, they never say they are escorts. Actually most of them deny that when you ask. You really need to be vigilant and dig really hard to get*the truth.

When you try to let them answer just 'yes' or 'no' to a very specific question such as 'Are you going to ask me for money?', they would become silent, maybe for a day. Then they will come back talking to you as nothing had happened, until you ask them specifically again.
That should be easily solved by asking "how much?", instead of fishing for a free fuck?

Can you explain your use of asterisk *, to me they seem placed haphazardly.

Welcome to the forum! I''m looking forward to more such well written, informative and candid posts! (But I cannot resist mentioning that there are several blank lines between paragraphs, which requires more scrolling than necessary. Better formatting next time?)