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Thread: What are you doing for Songkran?

  1. #1
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    What are you doing for Songkran?

    So what are all you eventful folks doing for Songkran? Going to go play water, maybe you have a truck to drive your BF and friends around in, maybe heading with your BF to his village, maybe shlter yourself inside to avoid the mania, maybe head out of country, or???

    I'm just hanging out here with my dogs by myself. Won't even know Songkran is going on except the 10 mins a day I maybe need to goto a local shop to grab something. We did out supply runs before he left, so I'm fine with this.

    How about you? Going to celebrate?

  2. #2
    Forum's veteran
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    Re: What are you doing for Songkran?

    Well, I'm stuck ( have happily decided) to stay here in Ireland over Songkran this year, however being Songkran I'm still aware that some water should be involved so, my BF and I have just chartered the boat below and intend spending four days cruising the beautiful Shannon Waterways here in Ireland - and if anything gets wet other than the bottom of my hopefully very large gin glass I'll be most disappointed ! :-)

    Enjoy Songkran everyone, I'll be thinking of you all - or not..... :-) Oh and as my boat trip will be costing me literally way less than a TENTH of what my usual songkran trip might cost me to say I'm doubly pleased about that would be an understatement too this year :-)


    boat sailing.jpg
    Last edited by Nirish guy; April 13th, 2017 at 16:06.

  3. 3 Users gave Like to post:

    arsenal (April 13th, 2017), cdnmatt (April 13th, 2017), fountainhall (April 13th, 2017)

  4. #3
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    Re: What are you doing for Songkran?

    One of the few times of the year when I'm pleased to be away from Thailand. Much of my time will be spent worrying about P.'s safety on Thailand's carnage-stricken roads as he visits his temple in Bangkok.....junta permitting.

  5. #4
    Forum's veteran Marsilius's Avatar
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    Re: What are you doing for Songkran?

    Having had more than enough of songkran madness in previous years, my husband and I (echoes of Elizabeth Windsor!) will be holed up in the Dusit Thani, Pattaya, for the duration, though we might risk a taxi both ways to eat out once or twice.

    Once all the watery shenanigans are over, we plan to decamp to an apartment in Jomtien to resume a more conventionally normal round of Pattaya activities.
    "The fruits of peace and tranquility... are the greatest goods... while those of its opposite, strife, are unbearable evils. Hence we ought to wish for peace, to seek it if we do not already have it, to conserve it once it is attained, and to repel with all our strength the strife which is opposed to it. To this end individual[s]... and in even greater degree groups and communities are obliged to help one another... from the bond or law of human society." [Marsilio dei Mainardini (c.1275-1342), Defensor Pacis]

  6. User who gave Like to post:

    fountainhall (April 13th, 2017)

  7. #5
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    Re: What are you doing for Songkran?

    I'm with Marsillius. Too many years of fun-filled watery madness when once a young cutie on Silom knocked off my spectacles with his massive water gun when shooting at me sideways (goodness, that could certainly be interpreted in a very different way!) We live in a quiet residential district and sre perfectly happy just to be holed up at home with occasional ventures down to the pool and thereafter to the wine cooler for a cheeky little sauvignon blanc.

  8. #6
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    Re: What are you doing for Songkran?

    Fortunately / unfortunately I won't make it back to Thailand until August this year, so will just have to consume a lot of water in the form of beer / cider / wine / rum and bourbon instead. To be honest, although it does look like a bit of fun and even though I'm probably half the age of many posters here (so could potentially be perceived to be more attracted to the whole scenario), as a bit of an introverted person Songkran definitely does not appeal to me personally!!

  9. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: What are you doing for Songkran?

    As Jesus said (at this time of the year, too) "I can't hang around here all day."

    I'm in Sydney - the best place to enjoy Songkran in Thailand

  10. #8
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    Re: What are you doing for Songkran?

    Nirish guy - That vessel is registered in Toulouse in France and the photo looks remarkably like Castelnaudary on the Canal du Midi. Definitely not Irish architecture. Have TUI Le boat now had her shipped to the Shannon? I've always wanted to charter on the Shannon. Have a great trip.

  11. #9
    Forum's veteran cdnmatt's Avatar
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    Re: What are you doing for Songkran?

    Geez, bunch of party poopers here. Actually, I can understand if you're somewhere like Pattaya. I only did Songkran once in Pattaya, and it was my first Songkran experience. Was a great fun filled day, but basically just one big, dumb party, and you don't really get the vibe it's New Years.

    Khon Kaen is a little different, and you do seem to get that New Years vibe from everyone, or at least most people.

    Speaking of this, anyone ever do Songkran in a small Issan village? That's quite the surreal experience, eh? I'll never forget that pickup truck slowly pushing about 200 people around the streets of the village, while blasting Issan music from loud speakers.

    I would go play water, but not happening. Would actually have been awesome to play water with Leo, but instead I made sure he's back in Laos, and I know that's what he wanted too. No point in him hanging out with me, as that's no fun. Oh well, I'm perfectly happy hanging out with the dogs, will cook up some nice dinners for us, chill out with some whisky and good tunes, and get some work done. Good enough for me.

    PS. God damn, I'm getting good at this typing thing. I'm almost back at full speed now.

  12. #10
    Forum's veteran francois's Avatar
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    Re: What are you doing for Songkran?

    Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post

    PS. God damn, I'm getting good at this typing thing. I'm almost back at full speed now.
    It's a miracle! Praise the Lord.

  13. 2 Users gave Like to post:

    christianpfc (April 17th, 2017), fountainhall (April 14th, 2017)

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