"logging in" to a forum and "posting" to a forum are two very different things. So basically over the last 6 months this forum has 1,046 members of which 421 have logged in in the last six months (that means they have logged into read posts) and you probably have 10 to 15 who post regularly.

In regards to the internet those aren't bad stats. The reality is rather than focusing on people who "post" you might want to focus on increasing the number of total members. Increase that number and you will see the number of logins increase and then the eventually the number of people who post increase.

Its kind of like advertising on the internet. You place an ad on a site, like Facebook, where it gets seen by like 750,000 people, of which 150,000 click on it (and that is considered awesome) then you get three people to actually buy something (and that is considered REALLY awesome).

The truth of the matter is you might have to advertise the site, and the best place to place ads to start might be on gay porn sites; I am sure there would be a few friendly new members visiting these sites who might be interested in traveling to Thailand.

I am not sure about Google search, not sure how many people google "gay thailand" in a day and how much it would cost to move up the food chain as paid content.

The internet is a wonderful thing in so many ways but you got to realize that there are over a billion websites and its easy to get lost when you are one in a billion. Then when you complicate the search by realizing that most people are searching the web on cellphones nowadays, which are not really conducive to search you got to be up on the first four or five of listings to even be potentially a link that could get a click.

Then you compound the problem by the fact that you are in reality a forum about traveling to Thailand/Asia and then you realize the following:

One of the problems you have as a forum is that it is dead within the forum here in the United States during the day as most members who post or might post live in Asia, which is 12 hours ahead of the United States, time wise. So, when you all wake up and log on we are going to bed and vice versa.

Second problem, you are all freelancers; everyone can pretty much say and do what they want. There is not a SawatDeeForum "Welcoming Committee" and thus, the forum owners have no way of controlling the perception of the product to new members and no way to get long time members to post something every now and then.